A Love List for a Cold Winter Week

Baby, it’s cold outside. Brutally so. I’ll be honest with you I’m not even going to complain about it. About a week ago we had an intense week of wind and it made it feel like it was 4 degrees out. This is nothing compared to that. That being said, I’m a New Yorker and we LOVE to b*tch about the weather. LOVE IT. Every phone call I take from a client the first thing they say before even asking how I am is, “Oh my god this weather!”. New Yorkers can go on and on about the cold, the heat, the humidity, and even in the Spring we’ll rant how it’s not warm enough. Visiting New York? Heard rumors we’re not friendly people? Just start talking about the weather and we’ll shoot the sh*t with you and become your bestie instantly.

Anyway, I’m not complaining like I said as I can deal with this as long as we don’t get all that wind we had. My skin however, is in revolt. So here’s a love list of Winter skincare I love and other things to get me through this awful weather.

One thing I love about the cold is being able to snuggle up with a good book at the end of the night. My boyfriend has been engrossed in The Biggest Ideas in the Universe which is apparently amazing. But I’ve taken to re-reading some of my favorites one of which is Mary Reilly. Not only did I re-read the book but I also, re-watched the movie. You gotta love a re-telling of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that turns into a rather gruesome gothic romance. Say what you will about the movie but John Malkovich swoon! Highly recommend snuggling down with both of them.

Speaking of period movies…! We recently re-watched Young Sherlock Holmes because we saw a Tiktok of “Where are they now?” and Nicholas Rowe was mentioned. I explained to my boyfriend that Nicholas Rowe and Wil Wheaton were the two boys I had planned to marry when I was like 14. And technically, I still had that plan in place if things didn’t work out with him! No seriously though, Nicolas Rowe was just so fine. Tall, lean, sort of geeky. My preference in men hasn’t change changed much I’ll tell you that. I think maybe Younger Sherlock Holmes deserves a spot on a cold winter week love list don’t you?

Now, as I’m not going to say a single bad word about this weather as long as the wind doesn’t come back. However, my skin is revolting. My cheeks are so tight and flaky right now. I’m adding a few skincare picks to my cold winter week love list that you absolutely need if you have dry skin! Dr. Denese Firming Facial Microdermabrasion Cream is still my beloved after all these years. I love this scrub. It’s like a chemical peel in a tube! It’s a refined facial scrub that will buff away that flaky skin instantly. And of course, the best of the best moisture you can get is from Experiment Beauty’s two star products! Their Super Satty is a glycerin packed serum (30% to be exact) that can be used on wet skin to make it juicy, hydrated, and plumped. This will seriously remove any and all dry skin woe. It’s my absolute go for a heavy dose of moisture. Also, adding some of their Buffer Jelly on top will seal all that goodness in! And let me go ahead and add some Futurewise Slug Balm Moisture in the mix here because it deserves to be on a cold winter love list as well! This stuff is gold. It’s a heavy duty slugging cream that will absolute have you waking up with the smoothest skin of your life!

And this one is a little controversial for a cold winter week love list but my Sam’s Club is still serving the Santa’s Milk and Cookies Sundae and I don’t hate that. Sure, it’s cold. But did I eat one recently? Hells yes I did. I hope your Sam’s Club is still serving it!

What’s on your cold winter week’s love list? Share with me?

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