Amazon Haul Makes Us Ask What in the Temu is Going On?

Well, it’s happening. Amazon Haul Beta has dropped. What is Amazon Haul? It’s a selection of products for $20 or less (really, most are $10 and under) much like Temu. Yup, Amazon’s taking on Temu is to getting you to spend, spend, spend on home, fashion, electronic, and more with budget-friendly prices. But will they arrive as fast with Prime-like speed? Sadly, no. Amazon Haul is not part of the Amazon Prime fast shipping service. Anything purchased on Amazon Haul can take up to two weeks to arrive.

The idea of Amazon Haul is to provide current customers in the US with a place to discover a wide variety of items at super low prices. Apparently, the selection is huge with over 300 million products to choose from over 35 categories. But no, Amazon isn’t actually selling these items personally. But they do pick, pack, and ship the items on behalf of sellers whom they have partnered with around the world (I suspect they mean China). You do have to buy more to save on shipping though as free delivery applies to orders of $25 or more. You will get an additional discount if you purchase more with orders of $50 or more getting 5% off and $75 or more getting 10% off.

“Finding great products at very low prices is important to customers, and we continue to explore ways that we can work with our selling partners so they can offer products at ultra-low prices,” said Dharmesh Mehta, vice president of Worldwide Selling Partner Services at Amazon. “Amazon Haul aims to help make shopping for fashion, home, lifestyle, electronics, and other products even more fun, easy, and affordable, all backed by Amazon’s A-to-z product guarantee so customers can shop with confidence that the products they’re purchasing are safe, authentic, and in the condition expected. It’s early days for this experience, and we’ll continue to listen to customers as we refine and expand it in the weeks and months to come.”

Low prices, extra savings, and free delivery on orders over $25 Amazon Haul is not yet available on desktop but you can shop it via your phone or tablet at I browsed very briefly and it doesn’t look like anything anyone needs (as you can see from my above screenshots). I’m all about saving money and love a good inexpensive buy however, things like Temu and Amazon Haul encourage more waste than anything else. Consumerism is already a rampant across social media with many social media accounts dedicated to encouraging you to buy, buy, buy every little organizer on Amazon to spruce your kitchen and home. Amazon Haul is likely going to make things even more crazy. Trust me you do not need another pair of inexpensive leggings that promise to lift your butt to next year nor do you need another iPhone case even though it costs only a dollar.

What are your thoughts on Amazon Haul? Yay or Nay?

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