Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops Review & Swatches

Time for a review of the new Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops and a story of how I had no idea how to get the blush out! Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are a new liquid blush that came out with the Revlon Spring 2025 Collection and are available in three shade selections. Word on the street is Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are a dupe for the much more expensive Hourglass Unreal Liquid Blush. I can’t say if that’s true! Sadly, I skipped out on Unreal Liquid Blush. I was going to purchase one but I decided against it. I just don’t make proper use out of cream or liquid blushes. I really should as a dry skin girl but I prefer powder and feel like I have better control over powder versus liquid. Anyway, these intrigued me particularly because two of the three shades are luminous in finish and I’m all about glowy blushes.

Let’s take a look!

Hourglass Unreal Liquid Blush is $36, 0.34 oz in size, and available in seven shades. Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are 0.32 oz, $8.97-$10.49 each, and available in three shades. We’re off to a good start aren’t we? Obviously, Revlon’s version is almost the same size as Hourglass’s formula and it’s priced at a way nicer price. Sadly, I never did try the Hourglass version but from what I have read it appears the formula is a bit better than Revlon. I’ve seen a few reviews from different people some of whom I trust others who I don’t. The ones I trust said these are a dupe of the Hourglass formula and raved the formula. I was surprised over the raving as I didn’t have the same experience they did with these blushes and I’m not terribly inclined to rave them. If anything you’re going to hear me rant about them a bit.

First off, this packaging is actually rather neat. It’s a small, chubby barrel that reminds me of a little lip balm. Unscrew the cap and there’s a needle nose dropper. I was under the impression I had to tap the dropper on my hand to release color. I was a little frustrated as I was only getting a very small amount doing that. I couldn’t squeeze the bottle as it was hard plastic. How was I supposed to get the blush out? After watching three youTube videos I finally landed on the one review that actually mentioned how to get the blush out. The bottom of the barrel has a small depressor which can be pressed to release the blush! Duh! I’m an idiot obviously.

Well, that worked out great! All was going go! I got the perfect small little dot of blush out to use! All was well in my Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops world. That was until the coral shade decided to randomly explode. I used these well over a week and randomly I opened that one shade one morning and was a big old mess. I’m not sure what exactly happened but it just squirted out a bunch of blush inside the cap and all over the sides. I was able to clean it up but man, what a mess. Since these are SUPER pigmented that made it an even messier situation to deal with. This could be a fluke or it might be faulty packaging. I’m not sure. But thankfully, the other shade did not have the same issues.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…! One single tiny little dot is all you need for your entire face. These are super concentrated, super pigmented, and are crazy difficult to blend out. A little tiny dot the size of a pencil point is really all you need to do your complete face. You know how pigmented E.L.F. Camo Liquid Blushes are? I’ve likened them to paint! Well, these are EVEN MORE pigmented.

I would give these a glowing review but one thing prevents me from doing so. The dry down….! You have zero time to blend these as they immediately set on your skin. They dry way too fast which results in patchy blending and a rosacea-like finish. Seriously, they just make you look red and blotchy. The dry down is super duper fast and it’s impossible to get them flawlessly because of that.

I’m actually really sad about that as the texture is delightful. They have a very light, serum consistency and a beautiful luminous pearl-like finish. And man, once you have them on they are staying there till you wash them off. The wear is absurd on these. You know those 72 hour wear promises? This formula could promise that and I’d believe it! If by some chance you’re successful blending them (it takes a lot of time and patience to learn how to get these applied right) I think you’ll love how they look on. They have a seamless finish without adhering to dry areas. Smooth, even, and almost airbrushed in appearance the color is very fresh and beautiful. But getting it to look like that is challenging as hell. I tried my fingers, a dense brush, and a soft one and no matter what tools I used I still ended up with a good deal of patchiness and in some cases I just looked too red or like I was wearing way too much blush.

Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops Swatches (Coralicious and Field of Roses)

Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops Swatches (Coralicious and Field of Roses)

The truth is I can see these becoming a viral sensation. They haven’t quite hit the influencer/tiktoker crowd yet but they will and you’ll see selling out because everyone will be telling you how they are the most amazing blush they ever tried in their life. But you know, I’ve been around the beauty block and only every give you the real deal. I think Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops aren’t for the inexperienced crowd. These are way difficult to blend and if you have natural redness in your face or rosacea I’d probably recommend not even wasting money on them. I also, think the shade range will be best suited for medium, tan, and darker skin tones. These color are bold and very pigmented if you have lighter skin you might feel the shades aren’t flattering.

Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are a unique and interesting take on blush and sure, I’d go so far as to say innovative for the drugstore. But sadly, the formula needs some tweaking because as it is the dry down time is too quick and gives you zero time to blend them out which results in rather poor application. I’m giving them all the props for being an inexpensive blush with a fantastic and pigmented formula however, I’m deducting major points for being so crazy hard to blend out.

Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are available now. Have you tried them?

Where to buy

Ulta Amazon Walmart

Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops are new serum liquid blush available in three shade selections that launched for Spring 2025. These blushes range in price from $8 to $10 depending where you purchase them and are 0.32 oz in price making them a nice alternative to Hourglass Unreal Liquid Blush. I can’t compare the two formulas as I haven’t tried the Hourglass version bit I heard they are dupes. However, I’m going to lean towards saying probably not as I think the Hourglass ones, from reviews I’ve watched, blend better. Glimmer Blush Drops come in a small, chubby hard plastic barrel which has a small depressor on the bottom that you can press to release a single drop into the attached needle nose dropper at the top of the barrel. One drop is all you need to do your entire face. These are super pigmented and a tiny amount is all you need to use. I think the texture and consistency is loving with a light, serum-y consistency. I had two issues one of which was the set time. These dry down almost instantly upon contact with skin which makes them very difficult to blend. I tried fingers, a dense blush brush, even a flopper fiber one and each time I ended up with a very patchy blend out. They set SO FAST! It’s really hard to blend them in that short an amount of time unfortunately. The blend is very challenging but with a little patience you’ll get better at each time you use them. My second issue is the colors are a bit too bold which results in clown cheeks or a rosacea-like look. Even the smallest amount made me look incredibly red and sort of blotchy. I think the shades would be best suited to medium, darker, or tanned skin. If you’re fair or a lighter medium you might find these colors are a touch TOO bold. The wear time is amazing. They do not move or fade until you’re ready to take them off!


  • Super pigmented.
  • Affordable.
  • One bottle will last you ages.
  • Long, strong wear time.


  • Difficult to blend.
  • Limited shade range with bolder colors that are too pigmented for lighter skin tones.


Revlon Glimmer Blush Drops might be a very good pick for darker skin tones.

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