As you may know Dove x Crumbl is the latest Dove Treats Collection to launch. Yeah, Dove is going there yet again with a Spring 2025 Collaboration that includes body washes, deodorants, hand washes, and body scrubs scented like Crumbl cookies. Dove may or may not be milking these Treat Collections lately. Don’t get me wrong I love a gourmand bath and body product and I think it’s truly unique to find one at the drugstore. I love Dove for doing these and I think it’ll be pretty cool if they do more. HOWEVER, they can really improve on a few things with these launches. One thing they can do is be clear where and when these products will be available. These collections just randomly drop and are shared across social media before Dove ever even utters a word about them. Which results in people running around like a chicken without a head trying to locate them. This also, causes a problem with flippers.
What’s a flipper? A person who buys limited edition items at normal price, knowing they will sell out, then immediately turns around and sells them at double or triple the retail price. It’s rather gross and it’s exactly what’s happening on Tiktok at the moment. Dove x Crumbl has no official date. As far as I know Dove really hasn’t share a date. It’s all a vague sometime in January maybe in February. But the collection has been in and out of stock at Walmart several times since before Christmas and any single time something comes in stock it IMMEDIATELY sells out. Also, the collection has already been popping up in Walmart stores (I haven’t seen it but have seen videos of people shopping it).
Here’s the thing…! It’s fairly obvious who is buying out all these bottles of body scrub and body wash and that would be flippers. Normally, they head over to Mercari and sell it at triple the price but now there’s a new way to sell things and that would be Tiktok Lives.
Tiktok now allows you to do QVC style lives where people can join a live and purchase items instantly. For the last several days I’ve seen the same girl selling Dove x Crumbl at double the retail price. The body washes are $7 and she’s selling them at $14.99 to $19.99 each! Is she actually selling them? Hells yes as her lives have 800 or so people in them. It’s insane.
I don’t mean to hate on anyone trying to hustle. I respect the game. However, I do think that people get a little outrageous with the pricing on items. That’s when I feel greed comes into place. I think I’d understand better if she was selling them at say ten each but twenty bucks? Come on now….! I did go ahead and crop out her face in the screenshot I did as I don’t want her to get any hate directed at her because of my post but I gotta say buying up a bunch of body wash and taking advantage of people that really want a bottle by selling them at nearly double or even three times the amount is crazy. But really, who’s crazier? Her or the people buying them!
Also, I mentioned above Dove needed to improve on these launches and that they should really be a bit more transparent about the date something will be available and where it will be available. But they also, need to work on the scents a little. I already tried two of these and I liked them but didn’t love them. I think they can definitely improve on the scents a little as some just don’t hit the mark. It happened with the Holiday Treats Collection as well. For example, Sugar Cookie just doesn’t smell like cookie anything…! It’s more a weird plastic play-doh smell. So yeah, I’d love to see them work on the scents.
Anyway, Dove x Crumbl is coming soon? I think? If the flippers don’t just buy everything up that is and make impossible for any of us to actually get some!