This is your sign to take down your Christmas tree soon. I normally put up three trees but this year I only did the one and I feel like such a great weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing I don’t have to take it all down. My boyfriend tends to store it all away but when it comes to actually taking it down, well, I’m anal and I won’t let him help because it all has to be done perfectly. I have a system. A system only I know! LOL!
No but seriously, I love Christmas and I love the décor but when it comes to hauling it all out, putting it all up, and taking it all down well, that’s when it becomes a chore. No likey! One thing about me as soon as Three Kings Day is over that tree is coming down. It’s lovely, it truly is but after it being up over a month it can become a little tiring and I just want my house back to normal again ya know?
And yes, this isn’t beauty related but sometimes I like to share other things and this was too good not to share. So, over the years, I’ve accumulated quite a huge amount of decor especially Halloween decor. And as much as I’d like to store it all in clear Rubbermaid bins sometimes they aren’t big enough. So, I always go for those HUGE chest-like bins to store away everything. I used to label each box but I recently discovered I can do a QR code on the boxes and it’s sort of life changing!
For $15 bucks you can get QR Code Smart Labels. You get 48 labels and access to an app you can download on your phone to use to organize your decor (these are great if you’re moving as well). Simply pop the label on, scan it, tell the app what’s inside the box, and you’re done. Next year, you can scan the QR code to see what’s inside the box. I tend to store my Halloween and Christmas stuff together and now I can just scan the QR code to see the exact contents of the bin. Pretty nifty right?
Since everyone will be taking down their decor soon I’m sure I thought these might come in handy! Enjoy!